Excellent Services for Exceptional People

Support GHO

Your donation makes it possible for people with developmental disabilities to reach their full potential and lead fulfilling lives that include employment and independent living.

It allows GHO to provide services that address the formidable challenges of the people we serve.

We Provide Services to over 500 People Every Year

We Need Your Help

  • ๐Ÿ‘‰ We need to raise funds to bridge the gap created by continued reductions in State and Federal assistance.
  • ๐Ÿ‘‰ Your assistance is the only way we can continue to maintain quality support.

Ways of Giving

The generous contributions from our neighbors and corporate friends enables General Human Outreach in the Community, Inc. (GHO) to serve our community with the highest level of care. We appreciate the corporations, foundations, organizations and individuals who stand beside us as we remain a valuable resource to those we serve.

There are many ways you can join us in our mission:

Credit Card

Click the link below to use our secure online donation site, which is hosted by Network For Good.

Donation Link : https://donatenow.networkforgood.org/gho

Personal Check

Send your tax-deductible contribution with a personal check made payable to General Human Outreach in the Community, Inc. and mail your donation to:

General Human Outreach in the Community, Inc.

125-10 Queens Blvd., Suite 2705

Kew Gardens, NY 11415

Make a Tax Deductible Contribution to Support GHO

The Jane Ning Kuo Memorial Fund was established to honor GHOโ€™s first executive director and founder.

Contributions to the fund may be made at any level.

Credit Card

Click the link below to use our secure online donation site, which is hosted by Network For Good.

Personal Check

Send your tax-deductible contribution with a personal check made payable to General Human Outreach in the Community, Inc. and mail your donation to:

General Human Outreach in the Community, Inc. 125-10 Queens Blvd., Suite 2705 Kew Gardens, NY 11415

Endowment Fund

To ensure GHO continues to provide high quality services today and into the future, we have developed an Endowment Fund where all donations go towards new development and future operations at GHO. We appreciate the generosity of our supporters whose gracious contributions help GHO enhance the quality of life of the hundreds of individuals we serve annually.

Individuals and institutions that contribute to our Endowment Fund:

  • ๐Ÿ‘‰ Can make monetary or property donations for specific or ongoing support of operations
  • ๐Ÿ‘‰ย Can direct their donation to projects that are of specific interest or importance to them