Empower Independence

About Us
GHO and its network of affiliate agencies offer children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) a comprehensive range of services. Committed to seeing beyond disability, GHO provides opportunities for people to live, love, work, and learn in their communities.
At GHO, we enrich the lives of people with developmental disabilities by enhancing their skills, increasing their independence and promoting their integration into the community. We’re a trusted resource that serves more than 500 people each year, providing culturally tailored services to people in New York City.
Key Values

Culturally Competent
For a quarter-century, GHO has served people of all cultures, while putting a special focus on the Asian-American population. We strive to match the people we serve and their families with supports that are culturally congruent, allowing our services to be truly beneficial. Our dedicated staff can speak the following languages: Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean and English.

Where Dreams Become Reality
Our day habilitation, housing, and employment programs pave the way for the people we serve to reach their full potential, while getting the individualized support they need to live, work and participate in the community.

Commitment to Excellence
GHO provides high quality programs, including case management, day programs, and community habilitation, individualized residential alternative housing, supported employment, vocational training, evaluations, and family support services.

Trusted Resource
General Human Outreach is certified by the New York State Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD). It is a recognition of GHO’s commitment to quality, person-centered services, and to helping the people that we support lead fulfilling lives.

It’s what we know at GHO.
At GHO, we enrich the lives of people with developmental disabilities by enhancing their skills, increasing their independence and promoting their integration into the community. We’re a trusted resource that serves more than 500 people each year, providing culturally tailored services to people in New York City.

Culturally Competent
For a quarter-century, GHO has served people of all cultures, while putting a special focus on the Asian-American population. We strive to match the people we serve and their families with supports that are culturally congruent, allowing our services to be truly beneficial.

Where Dreams Become Reality
Our day habilitation, housing, and employment programs pave the way for the people we serve to reach their full potential, while getting the individualized support they need to live, work and participate in the community.

Commitment to Excellence
GHO provides high quality programs, including case management, day programs, and community habilitation, individualized residential alternative housing, supported employment, vocational training, evaluations, and family support services.

Trusted Resource
General Human Outreach is certified by the New York State Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD). It is a recognition of GHO’s commitment to quality, person-centered services, and to helping the people that we support lead fulfilling lives.

Family Support
GHO works with families to achieve services from OPWDD (Office for People with Developmental Disabilities) that include: Recreational Respite, Case Management and Family Reimbursement.
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Community Outreach
GHO helps develop social interaction through community based activities and volunteer work.
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GHO promotes independence by offering alternative housing that establishes growth beyond their
everyday surroundings.
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GHO offers unique and creative pathways to employment for people with intellectual disabilities, as well
as providing career-building opportunities.
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Family Support
AHRC New York City provides resources for families including Respite, Training Workshops
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In the Community
AHRC New York City encourages people to engage with and become valued members of their community.
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At Home
AHRC New York City provides a range of in-home supports for those with developmental disabilities.
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Get Work
AHRC New York City has a long-standing tradition of supporting people with disabilities.
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Contact Us
Our Programs & Services :
- Pat Liu-Chang, Family Support Services/Intake Coordinator
- (718) 307-6563
- pat@ghoinc.org
General Inquiries
- 125-10 Queens Blvd., Ste. 2705 Kew Gardens, NY 11415
- (718) 261-6552
- (718) 261- 6698